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Tezos Introduction

Reading Time: 6 min

Get a quick overview of Tezos and blockchain technology

This chapter deals with the in and outs of blockchain technology and gives a first introduction to Tezos. This open-source blockchain protocol can execute peer-to-peer transactions and deploy smart contracts.

We will talk about P2P networks and the Tezos P2P layer, as well as the origins and fundamentals of blockchain technology, like smart contracts, consensus mechanisms, hash functions, and deployment patterns. Let's discover how Tezos fits in the overall development of blockchain technology!

We will dive into:

  • How Tezos tackles the management problem of public blockchains,
  • How change and evolution are possible with the on-chain governance process, and
  • How smart contract development becomes safer with Tezos.
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In this chapter

Looking for a quick introduction into the world of blockchain technology and the Tezos protocol? Take a look at all the chapter has to offer.

A new way of distributed networks

From the origins to Tezos as a P2P network

Tezos - A Blockchain Network

A blockchain network with trusted execution on-chain

Main Ideas Behind the Tezos Protocol - Managing Chains

Tackling the management problem of public blockchains

Main Ideas Behind the Tezos Protocol - Change and Evolution

Implementing change without hard forks

Have fun!

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